“Cautions” on the use of Chinese Herbs in the treatment of COVID-19 and my response.

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Robert Angotti, Lic. Ac., Herbalist

My review and response

It is great to see news of the use of Chinese herbal therapy finally making its way into mainstream media. Fundamentally, I have been wrestling internally for the past month on this issue. I have built my career on the viability of this medicine. Meanwhile, I wholeheartedly embrace the value of western science as we try to enhance our understanding of the these traditional methods. Simultaneously, I welcome the power of suggestion and the “placebo effect” in the practice of this medicine. Placebo is powerful medicine and any physician that neglect to embrace it is foolish. I believe however that the fundamental power of placebo comes from the intention of the patient, and the intention of the practitioner. As a practitioner, my power of intention comes directly from the confidence I acquire through my studies, my ongoing research and my experience. This then has the ability to strengthen the power of placebo in patients by instilling trust and confidence in my treatment plan. I am so confident on the value of the herbal formulas I have recommended so far that I genuinely believe they can save lives in the fight against COVID-19.D

Doing the work

When I first heard about this outbreak in China I didn’t give a great deal of attention. I had some predilections about the danger of a pandemic being near, but I naively assumed that COVID-19 would come and go. In early March however my family had a trip planned to Florida and I was getting cautious. When I checked the CDC website, there were not travel restrictions. They also suggested that masks were unnecessary for travelers because they would “not help”. That raised a flag for me, so I dug a little deeper into the site. I reviewed the recommendations for medical staff. Anyone practicing in medicine was advised to begin using masks. At that point, I knew I needed to begin studying this virus and its treatment using the medicine I know.

Let’s do some math. We currently have 870,468 cases of COVID-19 in the US with 50,031 deaths. China reports 83,885 cases and 4,636 deaths. Excluding the possibility that China is lying about the numbers (which they may be) these numbers from John Hopkins Medical Center indicate that we have nearly 11X more cases and deaths than China. Meanwhile, there were only 17 reported cases in China yesterday and 30,793 cases reported in the US yesterday. No matter how much China has fudged the numbers, they are having much more success managing this outbreak than we are. Moreover, up to 90% of COVID-19 cases in China have been treated with Chinese herbal therapy. Simply put, it would be irresponsible for me to not try and provide Chinese herbal therapy for prevention and treatment to anyone in our community.

Point by Point

“China is encouraging herbal remedies to treat COVID-19. But scientists warn against it…could give the public a false sense of security amid the pandemic.” quoted from the article above

I agree 100 percent. Do not let the administration of herbal therapy alone by your means of prevention or treatment. For prevention please practice strict social distancing, wear masks in public, wash hands regularly and maintain good personal self care.

If you suspect any infection no matter how subtle, contact your doctor immediately and request testing for COVID-19. I hope you can get it. Make sure to communicate all symptoms with your doctor and follow their advice. Your doctor is highly encouraged to contact me directly with questions regarding herbal therapy you are engaged in through my prescriptions. Finally, maintain regular contact with me during this stage so that I can monitor your treatment. At any point during an illness, if you are having shortness of breath/ difficulty breathing, contact emergency care and/or 911.

“TCM mixtures can be toxic, contaminated or adulterated with prescription drugs; they can also interact with prescription drugs,”quoted from the article above

Again, I agree 100%. It is not advised that you seek out herbal prescriptions online or from anyone not extensively trained in the administration of Chinese herbal therapy. There have been a wide variety of cases of contamination and adulteration. That is why I am very cautious when choosing my supplier of herbs and herbal preparations. Moreover, I suggest that you inform me of any medications you are taking at that onset of care and any changes during your care. Additionally, I ask that you always communicate openly with your doctor about the herbal therapy you are pursuing with me and encourage them to contact me directly with questions.

I have been studying the protocols administered in China extensively. The courses I am taking are taught by Dr. John Chen, a specialist in the field of herbology and trained pharmacist. He is currently involved in direct communication with one of the Chief state herbalist’s managing therapy in China against this pandemic. Practitioners of traditional medicine work directly with practitioners of Western medicine in Chinese hospitals. Dr. Chen will be conducting clinical trials in a study with UCLA, UC Irvine, and UC San Diego researchers. The study will involve the clinical trial and the implementation of the herbal therapies I have researched. Again, I am very confident that the administration of herbs for prevention and early stage treatment of COVID-19.

“The lack of detail about the remedies contributes to doubts over their efficacy, Dan Larhammar, a molecular cell biologist and president of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, said in a phone interview.

“We need to know which specific product is claimed to work and what is the evidence,”

Now we are moving into the area of ignorance. Just because Dan Larhammar hasn’t done the homework doesn’t mean others haven’t. Here is a small section of text from a recent COVID-19 course I have taken on the administration of a vital Chinese herbal combination and its effects. “Immunomodulatory: XCHT (the formula) significantly significantly inhibits asthmatic over-reaction by reduction of leukocytes, eosinophilic inflammation and downregulation of Th2-type cytokines, chemokines, and decrease of mucus hypersecretion and IgE levels.”

China is encouraging herbal remedies to treat COVID-19. But scientists warn against it.

“studies and others like them lack scientific rigor — not having adequate sample sizes, using vague terms and nonpharmacological concepts or testing too many combinations of herbs to parse out their specific effects. ‘They are like parodies. Nobody can take this seriously,’ he (Larhammer) said in an email.”

Again there is just a great deal of ignorance being communicated here along with an intense bias. I understand that preservation of the traditional Chinese medical physiological language is jarring and the instinct to dismiss it is high. However, I have spent 25 years with this medicine and I only trust those “vague” terms more. What this person considers “parodies” have consistently been validated by western medical science as I discuss some in my exercise and longevity posts.

I want to finish by cutting to the chase on this. My business is essentially closed with the exception of providing some herbal therapy. This virus continues to spread and there is no “known” treatment. This is the first mention I have seen of Chinese herbal therapy in the United States mainstream media. China has nearly 11x fewer cases of COVID-19 than we do. This is what I do, and it’s a shame to think it is being sidelined by ignorance and bias while people are dying. Thanks for listening.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Krystal Anderson

    As I read your information, I found myself shaking my head in affirmation of your response to the article. I cannot understand why Western medicine (at least her in the US) cannot work together with Chinese medicine. After all, which one has been around the longest? I have personally experienced the benefits of acupuncture and herbal therapies throughout the last 10 years, including several instances where Western medicine treated only my symptoms and not the root of my issues. Thank you for your informative and honest post and I will continue to support and benefit from your expertise in acupuncture and herbal formulas.

  2. Debra

    Thanks Robert!

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