Chinese Herbs and Vaccinations: Patient Questions

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Robert Angotti, Lic. Ac. Herbalist

“I am wondering if you have any suggestions for boosting an immune response to the vaccine?”

Your question about the herbs and vaccinations is a good one. Here are my recommendations. The vaccines contain the molecule which carries instructions for the production of the “spike” protein on coronavirus. This spike protein is essential for the coronavirus to enter our cells and begin replication of itself. The current vaccines encourage our body to produce this protein without the attached replicating virus. The increasing proliferation of the protein after vaccination then allows our body to begin building antibodies to the that protein. This is the process by which we create some immunity.

Chinese Herbs with Vaccines

There is growing research indicating that among the actions of Chinese herbal anti-virals is some disruption of this spike protein. Therefore I am concerned that anti-viral herbs may target the vaccine’s production of the spike protein. If these herbs do compromise the production of this protein, they may inhibit the immune response we are looking for from the vaccine, at least to some degree. It is important for me to point out that this is speculative. Nevertheless, my advice is to stop taking anti-virals just prior to and in the first two weeks after vaccinations.

Antiviral Remedies by Name

These remedies (and their varied names) are:

Cold Stop 1

Cold Stop 2

Yin Qiao Wan 

Gan Mao Ling

Initial Defense

Wu Han Formula

Immune Enhancement

Conversely, research indicates that some Chinese herbal remedies enhance the immune system function in part through the increased production of antibodies. Among the formulas most notable for this is the classic remedy know as Yu Ping Feng Wan. It is my suggestion that taking this formula in advance of, and during the vaccination phase could potentially enhance the immune response to the vaccine and thereby increase ones immunity to the coronavirus. 
I must say clearly here that I haven’t seen specific studies that would support this conclusions. For instance, I have seen no study where antibody production post vaccination was evaluated in two control groups. One group taking the immune enhancing herbs and the other not. Nevertheless, my recommendation to patients is that taking the Yu Ping Feng Wan formula is likely beneficial during the vaccination phase. 

Immune Enhance Remedy Names

Yu Ping Feng Wan

Yu Ping Feng San

Jade Windscreen

Immune Enhance

Immune Tonic

Other Remedies

Please contact me directly if you have questions about your herbal remedies.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. David Bowe

    Thank you for clarifying the possible role of Chinese herbal treatments in the Vaccine process. The question of whether or not we should continue our immune boosting regimen throughout the vaccine process was nagging at me a little, but your explanation helped me sort that out.

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