What Is Moxibustion?

Moxibustion is the use of a specific herbal incense burned close to the skin. A trained Chinese medical therapist will select an acupoint appropriate to the condition for treatment.

Moxibustion, or “Moxa” is known to help to regulate Qi, expel cold, expel dampness, stop bleeding, warm the spleen & stomach, and remove stagnation. Moxa is often used for women in order to treat menstrual pain, enhance fertility, warm the uterus, regulate menstruation, turn a breech baby and calm the fetus during pregnancy. 

Moxa materials are generally composed of what is called “Moxa Wool”, a derivative of a species of artemesia, Unlike some other materials, moxa wool burns at a tolerable, controllable rate. The herb, known is Chinese as Ai Ye, enters the channels to disperse cold and alleviate pain. There are a variety of ways to administer moxa therapy. Some are direct skin applications and some are indirect.